JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko emphasized that the Pre-Employment Card program has become a game changer or game changer in the absorption of the new workforce today.

Citing the results of the Evaluation survey in 2020-2022, Moeldoko said, the Pre-Employment Card program has provided three benefits. Namely, overcoming unemployment, becoming an incentive for business capital, as well as increasing competence, competitiveness, productivity, and entrepreneurship.

"The fact that pre-employment training is actually useful, namely seven recovered five percent of participants have used pre-employment training certificates to apply for jobs, so a third of the unemployed participants are now working," said Moeldoko when opening the Alumni Semu Raya Pre-Employment Card Program in Madiun City online, Monday 5 September.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander invited the alumni of the Pre-Employment program to use the Pre-Employment Card as an opportunity to change lives. "The work is an opportunity to change the future. You must dare to change the lives of yourself, your family, and your environment. Don't live a poor life," said Moeldoko, who is now the caretaker of the Republic of Indonesia.

On that occasion, Moeldoko said that the Pre-Employment Card program was prepared by President Joko Widodo as one of the ways to realize Indonesia Gold 2045.

Through the Pre-Employment Card program, the new workforce, which reaches 2.5 million people every year, has the opportunity to get job training so that they have competitiveness and are absorbed in the world of work. "As a result, BPS records the percentage of the workforce that has participated in training/customers who in 2019-2020 only existed in the range of 10 percent, in 2022 it has increased to 16.36 percent, of which the majority are contributed by Pre-Employment training," he explained.

For information, the registrant of Pre-Employment Cards in East Java in 2022 will reach 4.5 million people. Of that number, registrants received "only" 1.38 million or the second largest in Indonesia. The most favorite trainings, including telemarketing, marketing strategies, handicrafts, makeup, to IELTS.

The implementation of the pre-employment program is regulated in three regulations. Namely, Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 76/2020 and Perenomian Permenko No. 3/2020 concerning Development of Work Competency through the Pre-Employment Card Program, as well as Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) No. 35/2020 concerning Procedures for Allocation, Budgeting, Disbursement, Accountability of Pre-Employment Card Funds.

Moeldoko, who is also the Deputy Chair of the Job Creation Committee, said that the government has disbursed a very large budget for the Pre-Employment Card program. The first year was Rp. 10 trillion, and the second year was Rp. 20 trillion. "For that, let's make the best use of this program. And let's thank President Jokowi for preparing this program for you," he said.

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