JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force reported that 61,011,471 people had received the third dose of vaccination or experienced a daily addition of 99,437 people on Sunday, September 4 until 12.00 WIB.

Those who had received the second dose of vaccine on Sunday increased by 22,894 people, bringing the total to 171,087,767 since the vaccination program was rolled out.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian population who had received the first dose of vaccine had touched 203,417,526 people or an increase of 20,322 today.

Those who have received the fourth dose of vaccination, especially health workers and the elderly, have reached 401,979 or have increased by 21,253 people. The government targets the vaccination target for 234,666,020 people.

Epidemiologist from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta (UGM) Bayu Satria Wiratama emphasized that vaccination coverage and high number of testing are safe determiners whether or not people are doing mobility from the transmission of COVID-19.

"In Indonesia, the death rate is already low, we should appreciate this that the vaccination program has been successful, although it still needs to be increased again, especially in the elderly and vulnerable groups," Bayu said as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

When looking at the global situation, countries such as Japan, South Korea, the United States, Germany, and Russia experienced a very significant increase in positive confirmed cases even though their vaccination coverage had exceeded Indonesia.

Bayu said that although vaccination coverage in several developed countries was very high, the high number of cases was due to allegations that the distribution of vaccines to each age group was not evenly distributed.

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