JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry once again held the commemoration of the 2022 National Nature Conservation Day (HKAN).

Since being designated on August 10 as HKAN through Presidential Decree No. 22 of 2009, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has continued to echo HKAN every year and hold its commemorative peaks alternately in various conservation areas in Indonesia.

This year, the peak of the HKAN commemoration was held in West Bali National Park, on 31 August-3 September 2022 with the theme “Amertha Taksu Abhinaya: Restoring Nature for Prosperous Communities”. The theme is in line with current conditions relating to global issues in recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya conveyed that the implementation of the 2022 HKAN is expected to be the starting point for Indonesia's revival in harmony with nature, after the global COVID-19 pandemic.

"Through the momentum of the 2022 HKAN, let's realize together the spirit of the Indonesian G20 Presidency "Recover Together, Recover Stronger", which is to restore various aspects of our lives, starting from restoring the health of our nation, restoring the economy of this country and restoring our beloved nature," said Siti Nurbaya in her direction at the HKAN commemoration event, Friday, September 2.

The series of activities carried out at the peak event of the HKAN commemoration this time included the Nature Conservation Jamboree, Nature Conservation Exhibition and UMKM, talk shows, releasing 600 hatchlings on Menjangan Island from the total released by UPT as many as 10,822 tails; the release of 108 Bali Curiks from captivity and 3 dolphins, one of which uses dental crowns for the first time, planting 2022 mangrove seedlings, and performing arts and cultural performances for nature conservation.

On this occasion, the Minister of Environment and Forestry gave 15 Nature Conservation Awards to 16 recipients who were considered proven to have participated in environmental and forestry development, especially in the field of conservation of natural resources and ecosystems.

The recipients of the Nature Conservation Award come from various elements, namely the Community, NGOs, Practitioners, Business Entities, and Local Governments. In addition, appreciation was also given by the Director General of KSDAE to 46 recipients of appreciation from Conservation Assisted Village Community Groups, UPT KSDAE, and conservation practitioners.

The HKAN commemoration aims to promote nature conservation nationally as an attitude of life and culture of the nation as well as to maintain the continuity of nature conservation activities as an effort to protect natural resources and their ecosystems as a life support system.

Activities in the context of HKAN are not only carried out at this event.

Since May 2022, various activities have been carried out in various regions in Indonesia in the context of Road to HKAN, including Virtual Tour of National Parks and Nature Tourism Parks, International Biodiversity Day, National Park and TWA Festivals, nature conservation campaigns in Greater Jakarta and UPT KSDAE, Clean Action Conservation Areas, Planting and releasing wild animals, as well as various competitions related to nature conservation.

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