SERANG - The Banten Province joint Search and Rescue or SAR team conducted a search for a captain named Widianto (41) who fell and disappeared in the waters of Pamujaan Island, Serang City.
"We hope that the second day the captain who fell and disappeared in the waters of Pamujaan Island can be found," said Head of Banten Basarnas Adil Triyanto in Serang, Antara, Friday, September 2.
The joint SAR team involved Basarnas, Polairud Pos Karangantu, TNI, Polri, Provincial BPBD, City BPBD, Banten DKP, Serang Regencybupaten, BMKG, communities and fishermen.
The Banten SAR team conducted a search by conducting a search around the location of the case incident (LKP) using a Rubber boat Basarnas and a Navy ship. The search point on the search area covering an area of 24 Nm is using a looping search technique of 5 lanes with room 1 Nm.
The Banten SAR team conducted a sweep around the waters of Pamujaan Island with the defense equipment used by Palsar Air, Truck Personnel, Palsar Communications, Palsar Madis, and PPE Hamzat.
So far, the SAR team has worked hard to find the captain of Widiantoni with the address Pekarangan RT/RW 001/002, Kagungan Village, Serang City District, Serang City.
The marine accident occurred Thursday (1/9) at 13.00 WIB while escorting the angler back from the angler spot to Gopek Beach. The captain's victim is thought to have fallen and disappeared in the waters of Pamujaan Island, Serang City.
Luckily, he said, in that incident all the anglers survived.
Currently, the weather in the waters of Pamujaan Island is relatively sunny and cloudy, so the sweeping is going smoothly.
"We conducted a search and search on the second day until 17.00 WIB and if it is not found, it will be continued tomorrow," he said.
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