Tomorrow, 1,025 Motorcyclists Will Fight In Kemayoran Ajang Street Race Polda Metro Jaya
Street Race, a place for fans of street motorcycle racing initiated by the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - A thousand motorcyclists from Jabodetabek will fill the Kemayoran Street Race event, Central Jakarta on Saturday, September 3, tomorrow. The event received appreciation from a number of street motorcycle activists, especially in Jakarta.

Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latief Usman said the registration of participants had been closed with a total of 1,025 participants.

"There are fun races, there are communities and there are battle ones. So from this morning we have carried out fun races," he told reporters in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Friday, September 2.

This activity, he continued, is in the fourth series. He hopes that this activity can become a national event.

"The hope of the Kapolda is that the Kapolda wants to accommodate the energy that has a hobby, accommodate it rather than doing illegal activities and endangering themselves and other people's communities. The Kapolda has finally facilitated this Street Race so that it is hoped that there will be no more (wild racing) because we have distributed it here," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the request for a permanent circuit to legalize a forum for street racers, Dirlantas handed it over to the local local government (Pemda).

"Yes, it depends on the encouragement of the local government. We are only a forum for this community, of course the regional government will look at the existing potential, which is very extraordinary," he said.

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