GORONTALO - The Employment Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) or BPJAMSOSTEK Gorontalo Branch noted that until August 2022 it had paid claims for all programs worth Rp. 75.7 billion. "So during the January-August 2022 period, we have distributed claims worth more than IDR 75.7 billion, the rights of the people of Gorontalo to be participants in BPJS Employment," said Head of BPJAMSOSTEK Gorontalo Branch, Arif Budiman in Gorontalo, Antara, Thursday, September 1. Arif hopes that the amount of the value of the claim that has been disbursed can encourage economic growth in Gorontalo Province, due to the circulation of money from these claims. "Hopefully this can encourage economic growth and maybe with the claim that the BPJS Employment program is one indicator of preventing extreme poverty in Gorontalo Province," said Arif Budiman. In addition to compensation, said Arif Budiman, his party has also provided scholarships to 184 children with school programs until they graduate from college. This should be one of the indicators for increasing human resources (HR) and reducing poverty. "For scholarships, we have received around 184 children receive scholarships and that's in school until we graduate from college in Gorontalo Province," he explained. This was also said by Arief, which had been conveyed to the Acting Governor of Gorontalo, Hamka Hendra Noer, and could be one of the indicators of poverty alleviation. Furthermore, Arif said the BPJS Employment program is a state program run by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. He said that currently the coverage of BPJS Employment participation in Gorontalo Province has only reached 49 percent of the total workforce in this area. Therefore, he hopes that in the next one year it can reach 80 percent. For this reason, it requires support from the Gorontalo Provincial Government in terms of regulations in the form of appeals from the Governor to regions, especially the Regent and Mayor regarding the protection program for workers through BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. "Of course we also continue to strive to expand the scope of BPJS Employment participation in the Gorontalo Province. God willing, this will be more beneficial for the people of Gorontalo," said Arief.

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