SULTENG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Sulawesi Province (Sulteng) recorded that more than 500 flood victims in East Luwuk District, Banggai Regency had to evacuate.

"A total of 500 more people who were victims of the flood disaster were residents of Hamlet I and III of Indang Sari Village and Hamlet I of Pohi Village," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of Central Sulawesi BPBD Andi Sembiring when contacted, Wednesday, August 31.

BPBD Central Sulawesi also recorded that six housing units in Indang Sari Village were swept away by floods and 15 other housing units in the village were heavily damaged.

"Especially in Indang Sari Village, there is one church building that was heavily damaged and the axis road in the village was also damaged by flooding," he said, quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, in Pohi Village there were 100 houses affected by the flood and nine housing units of which were heavily damaged.

"In Indang Sari Village there are 40 families who have evacuated with a total of approximately 100 people while in Pohi Village there are 500 people and currently we are still collecting data on damaged houses and flood victims," he said.

Andi said the Banggai Regency BPBD had made a public kitchen at the Pohi Village football field and had coordinated with relevant agencies to help flood victims.

"The total affected victims are Indang Sari Village as many as 183 people and in Pohi Village there are approximately 500 people," said Andi.

Previously, heavy rains that flushed the area caused the river to overflow in Indang Sari Village on Tuesday, August 30, at around 18.00 WITA, and inundated residential areas with water levels above adult knees.

40 minutes later the river in Pohi Village also overflowed and inundated residential areas. "The rain has stopped and the water has also begun to recede but residents are still evacuating," he said.

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