PAPUA - The Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov) through the local Border Management and Foreign Cooperation Agency (BPPKLN) stated that the condition of 13 fishermen's crew members (ABK) who were detained in the waters of Pulau Turi, Papua New Guinea (PNG) was in good health. Based on coordination with Papua New Guinea consultants, the fishing boat that had been detained was being pulled to Port Moresby. "Currently most likely the two missing ships have been found and are being pulled by a patrol boat belonging to the Papua New Guinean Army (PNGDF)," said Head of BPKLN Papua Suzana Wanggai in Jayapura, Antara, August 29. According to Suzana, based on information, since Friday lallu, the ship withdrawal process has been underway which takes two to three days, so PNG is trying to bring it to Port Moresby. "We will continue to coordinate regarding the 13 crew members who were detained," he said. He explained that it is possible that 13 crew members will undergo further examination, but what is certain is that the fishermen are in good condition. For your information, previously there was a shooting of a fishing boat from Merauke Regency, Papua, by the Papua New Guinean Army (PNGDF) which killed one fisherman, on Monday, August 22, in the waters of Pulau Turi, Papua New Guinea.

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