YOGYAKARTA - The new celebration was created by the Yogyakarta Early Community Alert Forum (FKDM). They are preparing an application that could be a step to anticipate social problems in the community.

The online application is planned to be named Lapak Dini or Lapak Pak Detection Early. Later, this application will submit reports on early detection of conditions in the community, including unwanted incidents.

The use of this application will later be coordinated with relevant agencies, such as the police and the TNI, because the information conveyed can be confidential or important so that it must be managed carefully.

"This is a new breakthrough that we are trying to make. It is still in the process of being prepared, but hopefully it can be launched soon," said Yogyakarta City FKDM member Indra Haryanto in Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara, Saturday, August 27.

According to Indra, reporting data that is included in the application can only be accessed by FKDM members. He explained that FKDM members will receive notifications if in their working area an incident that needs to be followed up or has the potential to lead to wider social friction.

"Later on, FKDM members will immediately report to local residents. They can directly report to the kelurahan or sub-district," he added.

Please note, the City of Yogyakarta currently has FKDM down to the sub-district level, with a total of 302 members consisting of seven members of the Yogyakarta City FKDM level, 70 members in the sub-district, and 225 members in the kelurahan.

"Our membership comes from various backgrounds which are expected to play a role in increasing early vigilance against various incidents," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Unity and Political Affairs Agency (Kesbangpol) of Yogyakarta City, Budi Santosa, said that FKDM played a role in collecting data and initial information based on the community.

"The information conveyed is still raw data so it needs to be analyzed. Hopefully, the information or data can be utilized at a certain level," he said.

The data and information collected are also part of an analysis and indicator of the stability of an area.

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