JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) believes that preserving and strengthening cultural traditional values is an effective way to prevent terrorism in the country.

"We believe that the cultural value of the archipelago that is preserved is an effective way to dispel and narrow the space for the movement of radical terrorism ideology," said BNPT Head Komjen Police Boy Rafli Amar in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, August 26.

Boy Rafli conveyed that the variety of cultural customs essentially symbolizes the pluralism of Indonesia or Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Various cultural customs are like the wealth of various colors that create a mix of beautiful alignments.

Meanwhile, according to him, the terrorist ideology that imposes one color aims to destroy the cultural customs of the archipelago whose forms vary.

"The ideology of terrorism radicalism is a value that destroys civilization and culture. The ideology of terrorism wants to create a new culture that is full of violence," said the man who was born in West Sumatra.

Therefore, BNPT continues to aggressively cooperate with all parties to work hand in hand in preserving the customs and culture of the archipelago. One of them is by cooperating with the Archipelago Royal Customary Council (MAKN) as one of the cultural conservation parties.

The goal is to strengthen traditional and cultural values together in the community.

Meanwhile, Chairman of MAKN Eddy Wirabumi stated that his party and BNPT have one vision and idea in view of the importance of preserving cultural traditional values. Because, with the existence of cultural customs that are maintained, the Indonesian nation will have its own identity.

This, he said, certainly had a good impact on the nation, namely not being easily swayed by the influence of outside culture, including the ideology of radical terrorism.

"MAKN and BNPT have one vision in preventing radical terrorism. This tradition and cultural tradition can develop and will automatically ward off intolerance," he added as quoted by Antara.

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