JAKARTA - The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) could not stop thinking about seeing TNI troops carrying tactical vehicles until they intervened to remove billboards with Rizieq Shihab's pictures in various regions.

FPI spokesman Munarman suspected that the removal of billboards and banners with the image of Rizieq Shihab by TNI troops was carried out based on the wishes of President Joko Widodo.

This allegation, said Munarman, was based on Article 7 paragraph (3) of Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army. The article states that non-war military operations (OMSP) are carried out based on state political policies and decisions.

Of course, this FPI allegation is inversely proportional to the statement of the Regional Commander of the Jaya Military Command (Pangdam Jaya) Maj. Gen. TNI Dudung Abdurachman, saying that removing Rizieq Shihab's banner was his order.

"People certainly know that the removal of billboards and the deployment of troops to Petamburan is OMSP. That is clearly the country's political policy which is decided directly by the President," said Munarman, Friday, November 20.

Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party Board of Trustees, Fadli Zon, also regretted the attitude of the TNI officers who removed billboards and banners with the image of the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

Fadli also questioned the affairs of the Regional Commander of the Jaya Military Command (Pangdam Jaya) Maj. Gen. TNI Dudung Abdurachman in the enforcement activities. Because, according to him, this is outside the duty of the TNI.

"What is the business of the Pangdam Jaya ordering the removal of billboards? This is beyond the authority and main duties and functions of the TNI. It is better not to get further dragged into politics, except to restart ABRI's dual function, to balance the dual function of the police," said Fadli in his Twitter account, Friday, November 20.

The reason why the TNI intervened

Regional Commander of the Jaya Military Command (Pangdam Jaya) Maj. Gen. TNI Dudung Abdurachman said that removing Rizieq's banner was his order. This responds to the viral video of a number of people wearing stripes of removing Rizieq's banner.

"There is a striped shirt lowering Habib Rizieq's billboard, that's my order," said Dudung after carrying out the disaster preparedness rally and regional elections at Monas, Central Jakarta.

This order was issued following a banner depicting Rizieq which had been removed by the Satpol PP but was soon installed again. Moreover, every community who wants to install billboards should obey the applicable rules, including the location for installation and must pay taxes.

"Anyone in this Republic, this is a state of law. Must obey the law. If you put billboards there are clear rules, there are tax payments, and the place is determined. Don't go around as if he is the right one. There is no such thing," he said.

How about the DKI Provincial Government?

Head of the Regional Revenue Agency, Mohammad Tsanni Annafari, admitted that a banner could be removed, including a Rizieq banner, because he did not pay the billboard tax. Thus, the banner is considered illegal.

"As you can see, if any banner is installed in an inappropriate place, the construction can endanger road users, disturb the beauty of the city, do not have a license, of course it is illegal," said Tsanni.

Meanwhile, the Head of Satpol PP admitted that his staff had indeed removed several Rizieq banners which were deemed to have violated the rules. However, unfortunately there were banners that were raised again by Rizieq's supporters.

So, Arifin admitted, Satpol PP could not be alone and needed to involve other ranks such as the TNI and Polri to control.

"Actually, I hope that all those who put up the banner can take down the banner again. If it is not lowered, we will take it down, of course together with other security forces, the TNI and Polri," said Arifin.

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