JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Seto Mulyadi said Ferdy Sambo's youngest child, who is only 1.5 years old, still needs assistance from his mother, even though Putri Candrawati has been named a suspect.

“Just as I suggested in the case of Mbak Angelina Sondakh, at that time the suspect also had a baby. I ordered him to be with his mother," said the man who is familiarly called Kak Seto when met by ANTARA in Jakarta, Thursday, August 25.

Seto said that although his mother, Putri Candrawati or PC, had been named a suspect, a child under the age of three still needed special assistance and protection, which affected his growth and development.

There are two options so that the intensity of the relationship between the mother and child is not interrupted. According to him, the first way is to make the PC a house arrest, and the second is to provide special facilities for the child in the correctional facility as a form of protection and fulfill the rights of the child.

Seto assessed that even if the child was temporarily placed in a juvenile prison, the impact would not be as ideal as when the child grew up and interacted with the outside world. Thus, there needs to be cooperation from each related party to make its growth and development continue to run optimally.

“Certainly cooperation with correctional institutions, to provide humane facilities for a baby who is still 1.5 years old. For example, there is a baby box, maybe the milk or the opportunity for the mother to meet the baby to give breast milk, once in a while,” he said. Seto added, children also have the right to get an explanation regarding the situation of their parents, when they reach an age where they understand family condition. Until that time, Seto suggested that the child stay at home.

Even if you want to make a visit to your parents' place, you need to be accompanied and cared for by older siblings who are considered more mature.

As for Ferdy Sambo's children who are in their teens, Seto suggested that they stay away from social media first. It aims to reduce the potential for psychological and mental disorders.

Then if the child feels pressured by the environment at his school, he advises the Sambo children to do learning from home or commonly referred to as home schooling.

“It was separated in the environment that was the source of the pressure. So if, for example, a child is being bullied digitally, virtually, please temporarily fast on social media. If it's from the school environment, it's possible to take informal or non-formal education, “said Seto, who is also a psychologist.

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