JAKARTA - The former Head of the National Police's Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, underwent a hearing on the Police Professional Code of Ethics (KEPP) related to the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. Ferdy Sambo wearing official clothes, not prison clothes?

The question of where the prisoner's clothes are, where he is being held, and why Ferdy Sambo has not been shown to the public is indeed a question. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo even responded to public pressure to 'show' Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

"So it is part of the investigative strategy carried out by the Timsus," said Sigit to reporters, Wednesday, August 24.

The rules regarding the ethical trial are regulated in the Regulation of the State Police Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Code of Professional Ethics and the Commission on the Code of Ethics of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

Article 56 explains the provisions in the KKEP session, namely:

Clothing for the KEPP Session using:

a. Official Ceremony Clothing IV, for KKEP equipment, Prosecutors and Companions;

b. Daily Service attire for Secretaries, Suspected Offenders, Witnesses, Clergy, General Assistants and experts from civil servants at the National Police;

c. Neat free clothes, for Witnesses and experts for those who are not civil servants at the Police; and

d. Field Service clothes for security and escort officers

As explained in Perkap Number 7/2022, the Police Professional Code of Ethics (KEPP) is a written or unwritten moral norm or rule that guides the attitudes, behavior and actions of Polri officials in carrying out their duties, authorities, responsibilities and daily life.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian National Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) is a commission established within the Indonesian National Police for the enforcement of KEPP.

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