YOGYAKARTA - Recently, it was widely heard that the suspect in the murder of Brigadier J, Inspector General of Police Ferdy Sambo, was threatened with PTDH. Then, what is PTDH Polri?

Disrespectful dismissal or PTDH is one of the sentences given to members of the National Police who violate the code of ethics or disciplinary regulations. Then, PTDH also applies to the TNI and for Civil Servants (PNS).

Referring to the National Police Chief's Rules Number 14 of 2011 regarding the Police Work Code of Ethics, one of the penalties for violating the code of ethics imposed on the police violators is the dishonorable dismissal or PTDH.

This administrative punishment in the form of PTDH recommendations is imposed on violators of the code of ethics who carry out violations including:

Article 21

(3) administrative sanctions in the form of PTDH recommendations as referred to in paragraph (1) letter g are imposed on KEPP Violators who commit violations including:

(4) Administrative sanctions in the form of PTDH recommendations as referred to in paragraph (1) letter g can be imposed on alleged violators who commit violations as referred to in article 6 to Article 16 of this regulation.

PTDH for TNI soldiers

Not only PTDH Bagio Polri, but also TNI members can also obtain PTDH as stated in Law Number 25 of 2014 concerning Military Disciplinary Law.

According to this law, soldiers who have been sentenced to military disciplinary sanctions more than three times in the same rank and based on the consideration that the authorities should not be defended will be dishonorably dismissed.

This dishonorable dismissal was carried out properly with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

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