KUPANG - PT Flobamor, a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) owned by the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) provincial government, has denied accusations that it has monopolized the Komodo National Park (TNK) tourism services.

"I think it needs to be clarified that our involvement in KNP is not to monopolize as many people think, but our presence is only as a distributor," said the Director of Operations of PT. Flobamor, Abner Ataupah in Kupang quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 25.

This spotlight came after the NTT Government announced an increase in the Komodo National Park entrance fee of IDR 15 million, valid for four people a year.

Abner emphasized that when the regulation is enacted, all parties supporting the tourism sector who play a role in it, such as MSME actors, tourism service actors, and transportation service actors in Labuan Bajo, not PT Flobamor.

He explained that PT. Flobamor only regulates the digitization system. He said that all purchases of membership packages for IDR 15 million were only through the INI SA application, which was only launched some time ago.

Abner said this needs to be regulated to avoid unwanted things such as unclear permits and unclear certifications, and also to set appropriate service standards for tourists or visitors.

"For example, there is a driver who picks up guests wearing inappropriate clothes, there are also those whose vehicles do not have an STNK and BPKB. This needs to be regulated. Moreover, Labuan Bajo is a Super Premium tourist destination," he said.

Abner also emphasized that Flobamora has nothing to do with tourism services that are part of travel agents, tour operators, or tourism actors in NTT, especially Labuan Bajo. Precisely continued Abner, the perpetrators of these tours will work closely with Flobamor.

As for transportation services, they will be registered through the INI SA application to regulate how the license is, the completeness of vehicle documents, to the service standards set.

"So PT Flobamor does not have a monopoly, but as an extension of the government in this case the NTT Provincial Government in terms of regulation. Regulating standardization, management, and digitalization, that is the function of PT Flobamor here," he said.

But what you need to know, Abner explained, is that the tariff includes four main things including Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP), namely the entrance ticket to Komodo Island and the activities in it.

"If people buy a package of IDR 15 million, they are free to go in and out for one year and need to pay again. So the PNBP is already in it. The entrance ticket does not change according to existing regulations," he explained.

The facilities that consumers get are when they arrive at Komodo Airport, are welcomed in the VIP lounge and can enjoy a variety of food and drinks for free, their luggage is taken care of by airport officials.

After that, continued Abner, there will be pick-up using a local car with standards for both the type of vehicle and the service specified. In this case, the price in the field can also be increased from the current market price.

Regarding the management of Komodo National Park, especially Komodo Island and Padar Island, Abner explained that the management was initially preceded by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the NTT Provincial Government and the Directorate General (Directorate General) of Conservation of Natural Resources Ecosystems (KSDAE) of the Ministry of Forestry. and the Environment (LHK) RI.

After the MoU was carried out, it was followed by a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between Flobamor and TNK Hall. This PKS was carried out after the Governor issued a decree for the appointment of Flobamor with a strong basis because it was accompanied by a legal umbrella.

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