JAKARTA - The chairman of the House of Representatives Commission III meeting was silent when member of the House of Representatives Commission III Arteria Dahlan asked beyond the time of interruption.

Not asking about the motives of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J, Arteria instead praised the Police.

Arteria Dahlan was originally given 5 minutes to ask the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. However, Arteria used her interrupt far beyond the allotted time.

Unlike the other members who had time to ask questions, Arteria was allowed to continue talking.

Arteria seemed to have been coded to stop her statement, but she was still speaking. Until finally, Arteria was reminded that the Chairman of Commission III of the DPR from the PDIP Faction, Bambang Wuryanto, had given a statement for up to 27 minutes.

Previously, Bambang received a message from journalists regarding the length of Arteria's question.

"Permission, even though you are given freedom, please measure it. This is a cave in WA journalists, all of you are needed. So 14.08 to 14.35 becomes 27 minutes. Please know the count, thank you," said Bambang, followed by boisterous meeting members.

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