JAKARTA - The PPP DPP has opened a space for dialogue and tabayun to address the issue of a speech from Chairman Suharso Monoarfa regarding the 'Kyai envelope' which is considered insulting to ulama and Islamic boarding schools. As a result of this statement, Suharso was asked to resign from his position as general chairman.

PPP Secretary General Arwani Thomafi said Suharso had apologized and explained the clips that were circulating in the public.

"Yesterday, Monday, August 22, the Ketum Sowan explained to the Deputy Chairman of the Sharia Council KH Afifudin Muhajir and the Secretary of the Sharia Council H Chaerul Saleh Rasyid. He understands and is relieved to have received a full explanation from the Ketum," Arwani told reporters, Wednesday, August 24.

In the dialogue, he said, the issues related to the 'Kiai's envelope' had become clear.

'Party consolidation is going well. God willing, all of this will be resolved soon," said Arwani.

Previously, the Three Councils of the United Development Party's (PPP) DPP asked Suharso Monoarfa to step down from the chair of the party's general chairman as a result of his speech about the 'kiai envelope'.

The request was conveyed through a letter signed by the three PPP DPP Councils, namely KH. Mustofa Aqil Siraj as Chairman of the Sharia Council, H. Muhammad Mardiono as Chairman of the Advisory Council, and KH. Zarkasih Nur as Chair of the Honorary Council. The letter is dated August 22, 2022.

The letter highlighted several problems that hit Suharso Monoarfa. One of them was about the 'envelope kiai' speech delivered by Suharso at an event.

The following is the contents of the letter in full.

1. There has been an unfavorable atmosphere and chaos in the party, especially among kiai and santri, both those serving in the party structure and PPP supporters as a result of Suharso Monoarfa's speech as the General Chair of PPP in the anti-corruption education forum for PPP organized by the Eradication Commission. Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) RI on August 15, 2022. The recording of your speech has gone viral on various social media and created a counterproductive atmosphere for the party's struggle to face the upcoming general election.

Brother Suharso Monoarfa's speech related to giving something during a gathering or sowan to the kiai has been assessed by various kiai and santri circles as an insult to the kiai and the world of pesantren. After we listened to the speech related to the above, we also think that what Suharso Monoarfa said was inappropriate and a mistake for a leader of an Islamic party who should uphold Islamic values and prioritize noble character, especially towards scholars and kiai who are role models for Muslims in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. Prior to the uproar due to the speech at the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia mentioned above, we the leaders of the Assembly also closely followed the various demonstrations that are still continuing to this day due to a number of decisions of the PPP DPP on the results of party deliberation forums both at the regional and PPP branch meetings and the issue of gratification reported as a criminal act of corruption to the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission.

Various demonstrations against the leadership of Mr. Suharso Monoarfa did not only occur at the PPP DPP office, but were also held at the offices of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and the Indonesian KPK. Demonstrations like this, unprecedented in the history of PPP, have lowered the reputation of PPP as an Islamic political party.

3. There are various reports regarding the problems of Suharso Monoarfa's personal household life in various media and social media which become a moral burden and reduce sympathy for PPP as an Islamic party.

4. Considering that in the previous situation, the electability of PPP did not increase since it was led by Suharso Monoarfa, then the three points above would be counterproductive for increasing the electability of PPP.

Taking into account the things that we have conveyed above as well as the input of information and views of a number of parties both inside and outside the PPP ranks, we as the leaders of the three Councils in the PPP DPP ask Mr. Suharso Monoarfa to be pleased to resign from the position of General Chairperson of the PPP DPP.

God willing, the above request will bring goodness to PPP and all levels and grassroots in it. We believe this kindness will be one of the factors that save PPP in the 2024 election.

For your willingness and wisdom to resign from the position of General Chairperson of the PPP DPP, we convey our words of jazakallah khoiron katsira.

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