PAPUA - A crew member (ABK) Indonesian citizen (WNI) from Merauke died after the ship he was traveling on was fired upon by the Papua New Guinea Army or PNGDF.

The head of the Papuan Border and Foreign Cooperation Agency, Suzanna Wanggai, said that the fishing boat from Merauke was fired upon by local soldiers because it entered Papua New Guinea waters.

"Indeed, there are reports of shootings by Papua New Guinean soldiers who are suspected of illegally fishing in the country's territory," he said in Jayapura, Papua, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 23.

From the initial report received Monday, August 22, there were three fishing boats catching fish in Papua New Guinea waters, two were arrested by the local army, and one boat escaped.

While escaping, the ship was shot and hit one of the crew members named Sugeng.

Suzanna said that her party was still waiting for a full report regarding the shooting case that happened to the fisherman from Merauke.

Separately, the Head of the Merauke Police, AKBP Sandi Sultan, said the ship fired by the Papua New Guinea Army was carrying nine crew members, including the dead crew members.

He said the ship and the victims had now arrived in Merauke. Members of the Merauke Police are still asking for information from the crew affected by the shooting.

"Currently members are still gathering information from witnesses to ascertain the cause of the incident," said Sandi.

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