YOGYAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that a birthday gift in the form of an electric bicycle was given to former Yogyakarta Mayor Haryadi Suyuti at the beginning of the alleged bribery case for licensing the construction of apartments in Yogyakarta.

This was revealed in the initial trial of the alleged bribery case for apartment licensing in Yogyakarta with the defendant Vice President Real Estate PT Summarecon Agung (SA) Tbk Oon Nusihono at the Yogyakarta District Court, Monday, August 22.

"On February 18, 2019 the defendant (Oon) met with Dadan Jaya Kartika (Director of PT Java Orient Properti) to discuss the birthday gift to be given to Haryadi Suyuti and it was decided to give a bicycle," said the Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Rudi Dwi Prastyono reading the indictment.

The first meeting of Oon and Haryadi, said Rudi, took place in early 2019 at a restaurant in the city of Yogyakarta.

On that occasion, Oon submitted an application to Haryadi as the Mayor of Yogyakarta to facilitate the issuance of an apartment building permit (IMB) proposed by PT Java Orient Properti as a subsidiary of PT Summarecon Investment Property.

Oon's request, he said, was later accepted by Haryadi.

On February 7, 2019, Oon returned to Yogyakarta to prepare to present a plan to build an apartment on Jalan Gandekan Lor, Gedongtengen District, Yogyakarta City.

Dadan Jaya Kartika then communicated with Haryadi about the presentation plan.

Through a WhatsApp message, Haryadi apologized to Dandan that the presentation related to the apartment could not be done that week while informing him that it was his birthday.

"'Oya Dimas Dandan, punten dalem sewu bilih mbenjang Saturday 9 February, koncone njenengan sing jenenge HS 55th anniversary' (Dimas Dandan tomorrow Saturday 9 February, your friend's name is 55th HS milad)," said Haryadi via WhatsApp as read by the prosecutor in the indictment.

The message from Haryadi was then forwarded by Dandan to the defendant Oon and conveyed by Oon to the Director of Property Development Region 8 PT Summarecon Agung Tbk Sharif Benyamin. "Okay, Pak Oon," Sharif's message to Oon was read by the prosecutor.

After looking through the bicycle catalogue, the defendants Oon and Dandan agreed to provide a specialized brand of electric bicycle with a price of Rp. 80 million as a birthday present for Haryadi.

However, until the presentation or explanation regarding the establishment of the apartment was carried out on February 13, 2019 in the Yogyakarta Mayor's Office Meeting Room which was also attended by Haryadi, the prize had not yet been given.

"After finishing the presentation in the Nakula Meeting Room at the Yogyakarta Mayor's Office, the defendant was reminded again by Dandan Jaya Kartika regarding the purchase of a bicycle," said Rudi.

After Dandan received a remittance of Rp85 million from Oon, on February 18, Dandan together with Haryadi Suyuti immediately went to the Jogja Bike Gallery to buy an electric bicycle with the Specialized Levo brand in carbon blue for Rp80,200,000.

After the birthday gift in the form of an electric bicycle arrived at Haryadi's house, continued Rudi, then on February 27, 2019 Dadan made a request for a recommendation letter for the height of the construction of an apartment building in Yogyakarta City as high as 40 meters to Haryadi.

In fact, the request contradicts the Governor's Regulation Number 75/KEP/2017 and the Yogyakarta Mayor's Regulation Number 53 of 2017 which requires the maximum height of buildings located in cultural heritage areas is 32 meters.

After that, the bribery involving Oon, said the prosecutor, continued gradually until the Royal Kedhaton Apartment IMB was issued on May 23, 2022.

In addition to the electric bicycle, the defendant Oon, said Rudi, played a role in providing bribes in the form of 20,450 US dollars, Rp. 20 million or around that amount, one unit of a black 2010 2,000 CC Volkswagen Scirocco car for Haryadi.

These gifts were received either directly or through Triyanto Budi Yuwono as Haryadi's personal secretary and confidant.

In addition to Haryadi, according to Rudi, Oon also gave money amounting to US$ 6,808 to the Head of the Yogyakarta City Government Investment and Licensing Service (DPMP) Nurwidihartana with the intention of speeding up the issuance of the Royal Kedhaton Apartment IMB.

For his actions, Oon was charged with Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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