GORONTALO - Bone District, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo was hit by floods after heavy rains hit the Bone Coastal area and the overflowing of the Taludaa River.

A number of government facilities, such as the Bone Sub-district office and the houses of residents in the sub-district, were submerged in water, such as in Taludaa Village and Masiaga Village.

"It's been raining since last night and started pouring down at around 3:00 a.m. this morning," said the Head of Bone, Kristianto Ruchban, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 22.

The steps taken, said Kristianto, were evacuating residents to safer locations, because the water and flood levels had reached 1.2 meters in Kali Bone Hamlet, Masiaga Village. Even vehicles cannot pass through the access road in the village.

"So we evacuated the residents there, because the road access was no longer passable by vehicles. As for Ilohuuwa Village, we could not access there because there was no network. the center of Ilohuuwa Village, it has been washed away by the flood,” said Kristianto.

The number of houses and families affected by the flood is not yet known. "The data affected by the flood is not yet known. While data collection is still being carried out by village and sub-district officials, while evacuating the affected residents," said Kristianto.

He explained that until now the weather conditions in the Bone District area are still raining heavily. Even the electricity has gone out and the possibility of the telephone network will also die.

Meanwhile, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bone Bolango has dispatched six officers with one fiber boat to the location.

Meanwhile, the second team of eight officers headed to the restaurant to prepare ready-to-eat food for residents affected by the flood in the Bone District area.

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