JAKARTA - The Sawah Besar Sector Police are still naming HT, a teacher at SMKN 1 Central Jakarta, as a witness in the alleged case of beating a class XII student with the initials RH (18), the son of a member of the TNI. There are no suspects in this case, although the police have completed their examination of other witnesses.

Kapolsek Sawah Besar AKP Patar Mula Bona explained, Sunday, August 21, his party had conducted a BAP against the reported party, HT.

"Yesterday we did the BAP, we summoned the person concerned as a witness reported," he said when confirmed by VOI, Monday, August 22.

Later, Patar also said that he would question the progress of the investigation team that handled the abuse case.

"Is the examination complete, witnesses and so on. I will conduct a follow-up case, can we move this investigation stage to the investigation stage," he explained.

Currently, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police is also still waiting for the results of the Visum et Repertum for the victim's injuries which have not yet been released. Later, the evidence from the post-mortem for the alleged abuse will be used as evidence.

"Evidence from the reporting party has done the post-mortem. We just haven't gotten the results, usually one week after the visa, the results will come out," he said.

Apart from waiting for the results of the post-mortem, the police are also still gathering evidence from the statements of additional witnesses.

"Then (evidence) was added from the statements of witnesses who were at the scene of the incident. (Visa) Not yet, we are waiting from the hospital," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a student of SMKN 1 class XII with the initials RH (18) found bruises on his right eye as a result of being abused by a teacher with the initials HT at SMKN 1 on Jalan Budi Utomo, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta.

Ramdhani, the victim's parent, said that his son was abused by one of the teachers at SMKN 1 Central Jakarta. The abuse case took place in the gym teacher's room.

"My son has bruises on his right eye, and his lips are also injured. We have also received a post-mortem at the Central Jakarta Hospital," Ramdhani said when confirmed by reporters, Monday, August 15.

The TNI member also explained that the abuse case that befell his son occurred on Friday, August 12.

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