JAKARTA - Grade 8 students of 52 Jakarta Junior High School (SMPN), Jatinegara, East Jakarta jumped from the third floor of the school building. It was later discovered that MR (14) was a student with special needs.

The head of SMPN 52 Jakarta, Ita Nurwati, said the incident occurred on Tuesday, August 2. As a result, MR suffered a leak on the right side of his head and was rushed to the Friendship Hospital, East Jakarta.

"He (MR) fell on the field from the third floor, then was immediately carried by grade 9 students, taken to UKS (school health business)," said Ita, Friday, August 19.

Ita said that at the time of the incident, MR was alone on the third floor of the school.

"The position he fell with his back to the wall, facing the class. He fell on his side," said Ita.

Based on the examination, MR did not suffer from fractures.

"Only here (right head) is bleeding. I received news that the same day the surgery was carried out," he said.

The latest news, MR has now returned home and is resting.

Ita said MR is a student with special needs. Because, MR has difficulty speaking by listening.

"So the teachers give the assignment in written form. In terms of intelligence, there is no problem. Indeed, MR therapy uses sign language," said Ita.

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