What Will Jakarta Be Like After IKN? DPRD Calls Anies Baswedan's Office Weak In Discussion
Photo by Muhammad Syafi Al-adam on Unsplash

JAKARTA - Member of the Jakarta Special Committee (Pansus) after the move of the State Capital City (IKN) of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Idris Ahmad assessed that communication from the DKI Provincial Government to members of the council was not optimal regarding the condition of Jakarta after the capital city moved to the Archipelago, East Kalimantan.

In fact, a study of the condition of Jakarta after it is no longer the capital city is needed as the basis for the revision of Law Number 29 of 2007 concerning the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia.

This lack of communication, said Idris, was one of the reasons the DPRD formed the Jakarta Special Committee after the IKN transfer.

"This special committee was created because there is communication that has not been running optimally. In fact, it will greatly affect the governance of the government and society itself later in Jakarta," Idris told reporters, Tuesday, August 16.

So far, the DKI Provincial Government has never held a meeting with the DKI DPRD to discuss the specifics of Jakarta after the relocation of the capital city.

Therefore, the DPRD decided to take the initiative to provide recommendations related to the specifics of Jakarta, which is predicted to be the center of the business city, according to the results of the special committee study that is currently underway.

The recommendations were obtained starting from accommodating input from experts and the public, as well as monitoring a number of areas that had once been the capital city.

"That's why we take the initiative to make a special committee so that communication can run effectively and we can also voice community problems and also convey back to the community how certainty and clarity are related to the revision of Law Number 29," said Idris.

For information, last June, the DKI Jakarta DPRD formed a Special Committee for Jakarta Post-Movement of the State Capital (IKN). The formation of this special committee has been approved in a plenary meeting with the appropriate arrangement in Government Regulation Number 12 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of Rules of Procedure for Provincial, Regency and City DPRD.

The Special Committee is filled by 25 people consisting of two leaders and 23 members. The Special Committee for IKN will issue recommendations regarding the direction of development in Jakarta after the capital city officially moves to East Kalimantan.

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