JAKARTA - Three residents of Saung Naga Village, East Baturaja District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra with the initials Ha, Ju and Hi were killed by lightning during the extreme weather that occurred in the local area.

"It happened yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, November 17) around 16.00 WIB," said Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), Amzar Kristofa in Baturaja, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 18.

He explained that the incident occurred when the three victims were in the garden in the Karang Lantang Village area of the local district.

At that time, heavy rain accompanied by lightning struck a number of trees in the garden, even the three victims were struck and died.

"The victim's body was immediately taken to the funeral home in Saung Naga Village to be buried there," he said.

Related to this, he appealed to all people in the region to increase their vigilance during the transition season, especially entering the rainy season as it is today.

"If there is rain accompanied by lightning, it is better to enter the house and not take shelter or take shelter under a tree. Especially in an open area because of the risk of being struck by lightning," he said.

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