JAKARTA - The Sawah Besar Sector Police are investigating a case of alleged abuse by an unscrupulous teacher against a Central Jakarta State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 student.

"Currently it is in the investigation stage," said Head of the Sawah Besar Police, Central Jakarta, AKP Patar Mula Bona, quoting Antara, Monday, August 15.

Ramdhani as the victim's father said the incident occurred on Friday, August 12. At that time, his son along with several other students were called to the teacher's room.

They were accused of being involved in bullying by seniors against junior students.

"There was an incident when a Class X child was being held captive, bathed and kept saying that my son was harassing me but my son was not involved at all," explained Ramdhani. Because he didn't want to admit it, R, who was sitting in Class XII, was immediately persecuted by an unscrupulous sports teacher with the initials HT. .

The beating until the kick was received by R resulted in bruises in the eye. He showed a photo of R's face after being mistreated.

Visible on the right temple R bruised to cover the eye. The victim also suffered injuries to the mouth.

Not accepting this condition, Ramdhani immediately reported the incident to the Sawah Besar Sector Police.

He admitted that his son and several other witnesses had been questioned. He hopes the police can process the incident law.

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