JAKARTA - Secretary of the DKI Jakarta PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Gembong Warsono admitted that he had no problem with Ronny Talapessy as the new lawyer for Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu alias Bharada E during the case of Brigadier J's death at Inspector General Fredy Sambo's house.

In the current party structure, Ronny holds the position of Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta PDIP DPD for Governance, Law, Human Rights and Legislation for the 2019-2024 period.

According to Gembong, Ronny's appointment as Bharada E's lawyer was allowed because he is a party administrator who is involved in the field of law, according to his field of education, namely a Master of Law degree at UGM. In addition, Ronny is also a member of the RBT Law Firm.

"I don't think it's a problem because the legal aid agency's goal is to provide legal assistance to the community. This is not limited to the PDI-P but anyone," said Gembong when contacted, Friday, August 12.

However, Gembong said that Ronny had not yet opened a discussion with the DPD PDIP DKI Jakarta regarding the handling of the case being carried out.

"There has been no report (from Ronny) to the party. However, it will definitely be explained to the party," said Gembong.

For information, Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu alias Bharada E now has a new attorney. His name is Ronny Talapessy, who is now Bharada E's third lawyer during the case of Brigadier J's death at Inspector General Fredy Sambo's house.

To VOI who contacted him, Ronny B Talapessy told how he was finally chosen to be Bharada E's attorney to replace Deolipa Yumara and Burhanuddin.

Bharada E's family contacted Ronny B Talapessy on August 10 to ask to be his attorney. And Ronny B Talapessy's first assignment has been started since last August 11th.

"After a discussion from the family, on the basis of sympathy, I am ready to help become a lawyer. Last August 11, I did assistance," said Ronny.

Ronny explained the current condition of Bharada E. He ensured that Bharada E's rights were guaranteed while he was in the custody of the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters. Bharada E's safety is also guaranteed and there is no intimidation.

"Thank you to the National Police Chief who has guaranteed the rights of Bharada E. All security is guaranteed and there is no such thing as intimidation," he continued.

However, Ronny did not know the condition of Bharada E's cell. Including whether his client was placed alone or not.

Different attorneys have different settlement strategies. Ronny B Talapessy admits that he is designing various strategies so that Bharada E can get justice. And it will all be done in court.

"Now the team of attorneys is compiling the names that will be used as defense witnesses and experts. In the interest of the client's defense, of course we have to arrange a strategy later in court," explained Ronny.

"Don't worry, we will fight for him to get justice," he continued, adding that the Justice Collaborator's efforts had not been the focus of his attention.

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