JAKARTA - The Narcotics Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police has again thwarted the illicit drug trafficking of the international network in Riau province. From the results of the disclosure, the police confiscated hundreds of thousands of narcotics, including ecstasy pills.

West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Head AKBP Akmal confirmed the disclosure.

"Yes, that's right, we succeeded in thwarting the illicit trafficking of international networks of narcotics in the form of hundreds of thousands of narcotics of the type of ecstasy pills," said AKBP Akmal when confirmed, Friday, August 12.

AKBP Akmal explained, the disclosure was successfully revealed by Unit 1 of the West Jakarta Metro Police Satnarkoba. The arrests in Pekanbaru, Riau, were carried out from the results of previous developments.

In addition to securing hundreds of thousands of narcotics ecstasy pills, the police also arrested 2 people suspected of being couriers.

"The information we got was that the ecstasy pills came from Malaysia which would be smuggled to Jakarta via Pekanbaru, Riau," he said.

Currently, the police are still investigating the two perpetrators. Both are also in the process of further investigation.

"We will convey in detail in the near future regarding the disclosure," he said.

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