JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, stated that there is no other name from his party to be nominated as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election besides the General Chair, Prabowo Subianto. He also revealed the reason why all cadres unanimously wanted Prabowo to run again as a presidential candidate.

Initially, Muzani explained that the Rapimnas, which was held at SICC Bogor, West Java, was attended by all Regional Leadership Council (DPD), Branch Executive Board (DPC), Regency/City of Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), Provincial and even DPLN (Foreign Affairs Management Council) officials.

"There were participants and observers, there were approximately 8,500 cadres, most of the zoom meeting was held due to limited space and so on. Therefore, we apologize to all Gerindra cadres for participating in the National Rapporteur, this is something all party cadres have been waiting for", said Muzani at SICC Bogor, West Java, Friday, August 12.

Muzani explained that today's agenda was only a single meeting to hear answers from the Gerindra chairman, Prabowo Subianto, at the urging and encouragement of all Gerindra cadres who requested that the defense minister run in the 2024 presidential election.

"As a democratic person, he doesn't just believe it, even though he hears about the request, even though he has the mandated authority from the congress, he feels the need to hear directly the aspiration. That's today's Rapimnas, the highest forum", he explained.

Muzani said Prabowo would immediately answer the aspirations of the cadres after the entire DPD expressed their support in the afternoon or evening.

"After that, he will answer on time, if not later in the evening it will be before sunset and I don't know what his answer will be", said the Deputy Chair of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

"Everyone is asking, begging, hoping to run in the 2024 presidential election. They have expressed their determination and even they are ready to work hard to win that spirit and determination", he continued.

Muzani then revealed the reasons why the cadres support Prabowo as a presidential candidate in 2024. One of them is because Prabowo is the most popular figure. Moreover, his performance as Minister of Defense in the Jokowi Government is quite satisfactory.

"He is the most sought-after presidential candidate, most favored by his performance at the Ministry of Defense, quite meaningful for the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government, and has never shifted to maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia", said Muzani.

Therefore, he emphasized that there is no other name that Gerindra cadres want throughout Indonesia, other than Prabowo Subianto.

"The one who is called by all is only Prabowo Subianto, there is no other name", said Muzani.

While the vice presidential candidate, added Muzani, it depends on discussions with the coalition. "About the vice president, coalition, and so on are all left to policy", he concluded.

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