JAKARTA - The special team (timsus) of the National Police has finished examining Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as a suspect in a murder case. During the seven hours of questioning, Inspector General Sambo admitted that he was desperate to plan an assassination act because his family's emotions and dignity were hurt.

"The investigation has been carried out since 11.00 WIB in the afternoon and finished at 18.00 earlier," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi to reporters, Thursday, August 11.

"That in his statement the suspect FS said that he became angry and emotional after receiving a report from his wife PC who had experienced actions that hurt the dignity of the family," he continued.

However, the form of Brigadier J's actions which were considered to have injured the dignity of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was not described in detail.

From the results of the investigation, Andi only emphasized that Sambo stated that Brigadier J's action was carried out in Magelang.

"(The act of hurting dignity) What happened in Magelang was carried out by the late Joshua," he said.

At the previous examination which took place at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, the two-star general stated that everything that happened to Brigadier J was the result of what he had done to his wife, Putri Chandrawathi.

"All of that regardless of what brother Joshua has done to my wife and family," said Sambo.

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