JAKARTA - The Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (KSDA) released a brontok eagle, turtle, and turtledove into their habitat in welcoming the 2022 National Nature Conservation Day (HKAN) celebration at the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park, Kampar Riau.

They were each a brontok eagle (Spizaetus cirrhatus), two shell turtles (Cuora amboinensis) and an elephant-footed turtle (Manouria emys) and thirty turtledoves (Zebra dove).

"All of these animals are from residents. The release of protected animals was witnessed by ninik mamak of Buluh Cina Village, Head of Buluh Cina Village, Danramil, Buluh Cina Village Community, and photography competition participants," said the Head of the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Agency (KSDA) , Genman Suhefti Hasibuan, in his statement in Pekanbaru, Thursday, August 11, quoted from Antara.

In addition to releasing protected animals, HKAN commemorates photography competitions, as well as planting tree seeds.

The photography competition was attended by 28 people who came from various circles, carrying the theme of Reed China Nature Park and Local Wisdom.

Meanwhile, the types of tree seedlings planted are gaharu, trembesi and durian on the shores of Tanjung Putus Lake, one of seven lakes in the conservation area of the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park.

"The animals that were handed over by the community cannot be separated from the socialization efforts carried out by the Riau KSDA Great Hall officers in the field," he said.

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