JAKARTA - 1.4 million young women aged 12-18 years in West Java drink blood-enhancing tablets simultaneously at the Balanced Nutrition Campaign and Gebyar Drinks Blood-Adding Tablets (TTD) Simultaneously, in the West Hall of Gedung Sate Bandung. Until now it's free from the health office and the Ministry of Health. Today for young women who drink it is estimated that around 1.4 million consisting of teenagers in high school, vocational high school and the equivalent and also some in junior high school and also in the Ministry ," said Head of West Java Education Office, Dedi Supandi, Thursday, August 11, quoted from Antara. Dedi Supandi said based on the information he received, currently around 41.8 percent of young women in the West Java region suffer from anemia or lack of red blood. anemia will interfere with thinking, learning and so on," said Dedi Supandi. blood flow simultaneously with the aim of preventing health problems faced by young women such as stunting.

"Moreover, young women in the future will become pregnant women, where in the future they will become creators of future generations. This is so that 2045 is free from anemia and stunting," he said. Add Blood (TTD) Simultaneously, continued Dedi Supandi, then in the future every week young women will take regional enhancing tablets. "The point is to drink one tablet per week for the next one year. besides the card, there is an application, the Ceria Application, it is on the Play Store. So this application also reminds young women if they have not taken blood-boosting tablets," he said. adolescent girls experience anemia due to various factors such as the hormonal system during menstruation.

Atalia gave an example that currently quite a lot of young women are on a strict diet but nutritionally it is not fulfilled properly so that it is not balanced. This can indirectly cause anemia among young women in addition to the many activities that are carried out in daily life. healthy and present a generation that is not stunted, so healthy starting from young women," said Atalia Kamil.

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