JAKARTA - The electability of the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) has accelerated again based on the results of the Indonesia Polling Stations (IPS) survey released yesterday.

IPS researcher Raissa AZ Zahra said that based on the results of the IPS survey, the cause of the Perindo Party's increased electability was the Perindo Party's concern for the welfare of the people which was realized through the Perindo Party's real programs.

"This has received appreciation from the public, one of which is the program to provide cart assistance to MSMEs. This is in line with our survey, the main factor that people decide to choose political parties is their concern for the people's real problems," Raissa said, in his statement, Wednesday 10 August.

"This further emphasizes that the Perindo Party can be a forum for the struggle to help improve the welfare of the community," he added.

Another factor, Raisa said, was the joining of Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi who was lined up as the National Daily Chairperson of the Perindo Party DPP and further emphasized that the Perindo Party was an inclusive party.

"The massive social media strategy to reach novice voters or the millennial generation is also considered quite successful," he said.

Based on the results of this IPS survey, continued Raissa, the Perindo Party's opportunity to penetrate Senayan in the 2024 General Election is very open.

"So far, what has been done by the Perindo Party, the opportunity to go to parliament is wide open. It's just a matter of how the Perindo Party is able to capitalize on the arrival of national figures to join the Perindo Party," he said.

One of the interesting findings from the IPS survey this time is the emergence of the Perindo Party as a candidate for residents of Senayan, DPR RI.

It can be said that the Perindo Party is just a step away from becoming the only non-parliamentary party that passes the 4 percent parliamentary threshold.

One of the most significant factors why a political party is chosen by respondents is the party's concern for the real problems faced by the community. In this case, why PDI-P and Gerindra are the parties that have the best electability and have a high chance of winning the 2024 General Election, because the two parties are perceived by the public as parties that care about the real problems that are being faced by the people.

The results of the IPS survey confirmed that 20.1 percent of the public perceive PDI-P as the party that cares the most about the real problems of society and 16.4 percent mention the Gerindra Party.

Likewise with the Perindo Party which always shows its concern for the welfare of the community through its programs.

To note, the IPS survey was conducted from 1 to 8 August 2022 in 34 provinces throughout Indonesia. The population of this IPS survey is all Indonesian citizens who are at least 17 years old.

The sample is 1,220 respondents, with a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent. Meanwhile, the sampling technique is carried out on a probability basis with a multistage random sampling technique.

The following is the electability of political parties in the 2024 election based on the IPS survey:

1. PDI-P 22.3 percent2. Gerindra Party 17.8 percent3. Golkar Party 10.9 percent4. Democratic Party 10.8 percent5. MCC 6.8 percent6. CLA 6.7 percent7. Nasdem Party 3.6 percent8. Perindo Party 3.5 percent9. PAN 2.8 percent10. PPP 1.9 percent11. PSI 1.1 percent12. Hanura Party 0.5 percent13. Gelora Party 0.4 percent14. Ummah Party 0.4 percent15. PBB 0.2 percent16. Other Party 1.2 percentUndecided Voters 9.1 percent

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