KENDARI - The Kendari Police, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) team arrested a man suspected of being an archer using an arrow slingshot against a housewife (IRT) on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Alolama Village, Mandonga District.

Kendari Police Chief Kombes Muhammad Eka Faturrahman said the perpetrator with the initials AN (16) was a minor and was suspected of assaulting an IRT with an arrow slingshot named Suriyanti (22) in Alolama Village.

"The perpetrator was arrested on Tuesday (9/8) at around 15.30 WITA by Team Buser 77 of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kendari Police. The perpetrator was arrested on Jalan Malik Raya, Korumba Village, Mandonga District, Kendari," he said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 10.

The police chief revealed that from the hands of the perpetrators his party confiscated evidence in the form of an arrow slingshot and an arrow. The perpetrator is a neighbor of the victim.

He said that the motive for the perpetrators, who are construction workers, to carry out the archery action was just for fun and there was no intention of doing it against people. The slingshot was made by the perpetrator in his spare time while working.

"The motive for the perpetrators to carry out the arson was just for fun. The perpetrator at that time tried to remove the bow he had just made but was hit by someone," he explained.

Previously, a housewife, named Suriyanti (22), became a victim of an arc committed by the perpetrators, on Monday (8/8) at around 22.00 WITA.

At that time the victim, was riding out of his house with a man. Not far from his house the victim felt like something hit his leg. When he saw it, there was an arrow stuck in his knee.

"As a result of this incident the victim suffered a stab wound or an arrow stuck to the victim's knee. Then he was rushed to the Bahteramas Kendari Hospital for treatment," said Kombes Pol Eka.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code concerning Persecution, with a threat of 2.8 years in prison.

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