JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, issued a Telegram Letter of the National Police Chief containing guidelines for law enforcement against violations of health protocols.

This telegram letter is written with the number: ST / 3220 / XI / KES.7. / 2020 dated 16 November 2020.

"Yes, the STR (secret telegram letter) is related to law enforcement against violations of health protocols in order to protect people's safety from the dangers of COVID-19," said Head of Criminal Investigation Police, Komjen Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, when contacted regarding the telegram, reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 17.

In the telegram letter, National Police Chief Idham Azis explained the data about the high number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia.

This happens because the level of community discipline is still not up to expectations in complying with health protocols.

"Because so many numbers were confirmed positive and those who died," he said.

The National Police Chief emphasized efforts to strengthen and increase the effectiveness of COVID-19 prevention and control through synergies with the TNI, Central Government, Regional Government, ministries / agencies to oversee the implementation of health protocols and assist local officials in enforcing discipline and applying sanctions.

The National Police Chief also asked his staff to strictly enforce the law if there were attempts to refuse, disobey or other efforts that caused public unrest and disturbed the stability of the social and community services

"Therefore the apparatus must implement STR firmly and there are consequences for sanctions for not implementing STR. This has become the policy of the National Police and must be carried out seriously and firmly for the sake of the safety of the soul of the community," said Sigit.

For the ranks of the Police who are unable to enforce strict law enforcement, they will conduct an evaluation and be given sanctions.

In addition to law enforcement, the National Police Chief also asked the National Police to become role models for the community by always implementing health protocols in a disciplined manner in daily life and fostering community participation in efforts to control and prevent COVID-19 by utilizing information technology.

The telegram letter was signed by the Head of Criminal Investigation of the National Police, Komjen Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, representing the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis.

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