JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) has imposed permanent dismissal on two election organizers in a hearing to read out the decision on the election organizers' code of ethics (KEPP).

"Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction to combatant Mulianta Sembiring as a member of the Deli Serdang Regency KPU as of the date this decision was read out," said the chairman of the assembly, Teguh Prasetyo, as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 10.

The sanction of dismissal was still imposed by the DKPP because Mulianta was proven to have provided support to election participants on his Facebook account.

First, Mulianta admitted that he had re-shared uploads from other accounts, tagged, made posts, and provided comments on other account posts, which in essence contained support for Edy Rahmayadi and Musa Rajekshah/Ijeck (ERAMAS) as the candidates for the Governor and Deputy Governor of North Sumatra ( North Sumatra) Pilkada 2018.

Furthermore, the defendant also admitted to doing the same thing on his Facebook account by supporting the candidate for the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) No. 24 for North Sumatra Province, Dadang Dermawan Pasaribu.

Then, DKPP also imposed a permanent dismissal sanction for Johandra, who is a member of the KPU for Sungai Penuh City as a defendant in case 27-PKEDKPP/VII/2022.

"Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction to Defendant Johandra as a member of the KPU for Sungai Penuh City as of the date this decision was read out," he said.

The sanction was imposed because Johandra asked for a recommendation for his transfer or mutation to the Mayor of Sungai Full, from the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Sungai Penuh City to the City Government (Pemkot) of Sungai Penuh.

Prior to being elected as a member of the Sungai Penuh KPU for the 2018-2023 period, Johandra was known to be an ASN/PNS of the Ministry of Religion of Sungai Penuh, who served as Head of Administrative Affairs for MTs Negeri 6 Sarolangun.

In consideration of the decision, the DKPP assessed that Johandra's request, which was submitted through a letter dated July 15, 2021 or only 20 days after the Mayor of Sungai Full was inaugurated, could create prejudice against the independence of the teradu which has the potential to reduce public confidence in the election process and results held by the KPU Kota Sungai Penuh. .

In addition to the two election organizers, DKPP also imposed warning sanctions on Ahyaudin, Fadlin M Amein, Romeo Dony, Juztilka Hariani, and Redi Kales (Chairman and Member of the Muara Enim Regency KPU) in case 25-PKE-DKPP/VII/2022.

Overall, the sanctions imposed by the DKPP in the trial for reading the verdict were two permanent dismissals and five warnings.

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