Santri Who Died At Islamic Boarding School Complained Of A Headache After Being Kicked By The Perpetrator Twice
Police officers conduct an examination at the TKP Daarul Qolam 1 Islamic boarding school, Jayanti, Tangerang Regency/ Photo; Dock. Banten Police

TANGERANG – Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Pol Raden Romdhon Natakusuma explained a case of abuse that caused a student to die at the Daarul Qolam 1 Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Jayanti, Tangerang Regency, last Sunday, 7 last.

Kombes Raden Romdhon Natakusuma explained, based on the statements of the witnesses, the incident began when the perpetrator RE (15) was looking for a DS student (15) who happened to be in the bathroom with the victim BD (15), at around 06.25 WIB.

"Based on the testimony of the witness, the beginning of the trigger for the fight between RE and BD began when the perpetrator was looking for DS (15) who happened to be taking a bath together with the victim BD. When RE opened the door, it accidentally hit the victim. Out of anger, the victim shouted at RE A fight ensued. Then the commotion was separated by several students at the TKP," said Raden, Monday, August 8.

Not just finished. At around 06.35 WIB, the perpetrator returned to the victim's room and immediately kicked the victim's head 2 times. The commotion was again separated by the students. Raden said, as a result of the perpetrator's actions, the victim had a headache.

"As a result of this action, the victim experienced a headache and did not attend class. Because she was unconscious at around 14:00, the victim was brought by the Ponpes caregiver to the Fita Farma Clinic, Tangerang," he explained.

Furthermore, the clinic stated that there were signs of death on the victim's body. Then the Ponpes caregiver took BD's body to the Balaraja Hospital to make sure the condition of the victim was clearer.

For now, the police are still investigating the statements of witnesses and the results of medical examinations regarding the death of the santri at the El Qolam Modern Islamic Boarding School, Tangerang.

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