JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto and General Chairperson of the PKB Muhaimin Iskandar have registered their parties together with the General Election Commission (KPU).

Both of them are also wearing white shirts. In fact, Gerindra and PKB also marched together complete with reog Ponorogo and lion dance attractions.

So, when will the two officially declare a coalition?

PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin asked all parties to wait for the date when the two political parties Bakan inaugurated the coalition. For now, he said, PKB and Gerindra are still 'friends'.

"TTM yes TTM. Friends but friendly, but TTM again, waiting for the game date," said Cak Imin to reporters at the KPU office, Jakarta, Monday, August 8.

Cak Imin explained that PKB and Gerindra would undergo a political process before officially announcing coalition relations. He hopes that today's togetherness is a manifestation of the coalition.

"If there is an affair, there is an application, there is an exchange of rings, there is a wedding party. We are waiting for that stage, God willing, we will shoot each other first," said Cak Imin.

Cak Imin then gave a rhyme for Prabowo. This rhyme is like a signal for Prabowo to fulfill his hopes of becoming a presidential candidate in the upcoming presidential election.

"Gulo jowo is installed on the board. Pak Prabowo meets expectations," said Imin.

He didn't forget to sing to himself. According to him, PKB will bring safety to the people.

"The Muslims and the Muslimat. Cak Imin brought him to safety," he added.

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