JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has scheduled an examination or a request for re-examination of Bhayangkara Dua Richard Eliezer or Bharada E who has been named a suspect in the case of the death of Brigadier J.
"We have scheduled it. Because once again we are doing what we can and then juxtaposing it with other statements and evidence," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Mohammad Choirul Anam in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 8.
Anam explained that the information or evidence obtained by Komnas HAM needed further investigation so that a re-examination of the parties being examined, including Bharada E, was needed.
Regarding the statement of Bharada E's lawyer who said that his client was ordered by his superiors to shoot Brigadier J, Anam admitted that he did not know the statement from the new Bharada E's lawyer.
However, he continued, in investigating the case, Komnas HAM departed from requests for information which were carried out by themselves after comparing their suitability with one another.
Especially today, he said, initially Komnas HAM scheduled an activity but it had to be postponed due to the development of Brigadier J's case in the last few days.
On another agenda, Komnas HAM visited a location to check or confirm what had been obtained about two to three weeks earlier.
"It is intended to ensure the completeness of information and the depth of what we have obtained," he said.
When it was confirmed the specifics of the location and what was being re-checked, Anam said this could not be conveyed to the public because it was feared that it could interfere with the investigation process.
"We have sent a team, we have communicated so that we get more detailed confirmation regarding what we received two or three weeks ago," he explained.
In addition to scheduling examinations or further investigation of other witnesses, Komnas HAM will also request information related to the ballistic test.
Bharada E Ordered by SuperiorsThe team of lawyers Richard Eliezir Pudihang Lumiu alias Bharada E said his client was ordered by his superiors to shoot Brigadier J. In fact, Bharada E's superior was at the scene.
"(Bharada E's superior, ed) He was at the location," said Bharada E's lawyer, M. Boerhanuddin to VOI, Monday, August 8.
However, Burhanuddin was reluctant to directly mention the superior of Bharada E in question.
It was only emphasized that the referred superior referred to the client's official structure.
Allegedly, the official in question is Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. This is because the National Police also agreed that Bharada E was an aide to the two-star general.
"We can already guess who the boss is," said Boerhanuddin.
Previously, Boerhanuddin said his client had been ordered by his superiors to shoot.
"Told to shoot. Shoot, shoot, I see," he said.
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