KULON PROGO - The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, has found the dual membership of political parties as candidates for the 2024 Simultaneous Elections from the results of temporary monitoring.

The head of the Kulon Progo Bawaslu, Ria Harlinawati, said that the results of the surveillance had been recorded, one of which was related to the dual membership of political parties. But the results can not be published because the process is still ongoing.

"Later on, we will convey the results of the monitoring to the Kulon Progo KPU," said Ria Harlinawati in Kulon Progo, Antara, Monday, August 8.

Head of the Legal Division, Handling Violations, and Dispute Settlement of the Kulon Progo Bawaslu, Panggih Widodo, added that currently supervision of the registration of political parties as candidates for the 2024 Simultaneous Elections is still ongoing.

"The data is still changing, so we can't publish it yet because the registration process is still ongoing. What is clear is that we are looking at each of the registrations of political parties," said Panggih.

He said the Kulon Progo Bawaslu was still monitoring the registration requirements, both management, office and membership were still waiting for the results of verification from the KPU.

"We will submit the findings to the Kulon Progo KPU so that there is a follow-up," he said.

As is known, the registration of political parties as candidates for the 2024 General Election is still ongoing until August 14, 2022. Currently, the central KPU to districts/cities are conducting administrative and factual verification of new political parties as candidates for the 2024 Simultaneous Election.

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