JAKARTA - Head of Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin visited the residence of the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab to impose sanctions for violating health protocols during the transitional PSBB period.

In the event of the Prophet's birthday and the wedding of his daughter last night, Rizieq allowed a violation of health protocol in the form of a crowd. In fact, some of the guests who attended did not wear masks.

"This visit is about enforcing the COVID-19 protocol. Yes, (Rizieq) will be sanctioned," said Arifin when he was met at Jalan KS Tubun, Petamburan, Central Jakarta, Sunday, November 15.

Arifin said the sanctions that would be imposed on Rizieq were administrative fines of IDR 50 million. Satpol PP has also sent a letter giving the fine to Rizieq.

"The sanctions are as regulated in the COVID-19 protocol, there are fines. The enforcement of the COVID-19 protocol applies to all, yes. There are no exceptions," said Arifin.

Arifin said that Rizieq had responded to the imposition of the sanctions and would pay the fine. "The response is good, accepting us to enforce disciplinary rules," he said.

As is known, a number of guests seemed to be crammed on the main stage without wearing masks and jostling after the wedding ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter, Syarifah Najwa Shihab, which was held in Petamburan, Central Jakarta, Saturday, November 14.

The marriage contract ceremony between Syarifah Najwa Shihab and Irfan Al Idrus was held at around 21.00 WIB and broadcast on the YouTube channel Front TV.

In this event, Irfan said the contract in Arabic in front of Rizieq, while Najwa Shihab waited at his father's house. The contract ceremony ended at 21.30 WIB. The event was continued with the Prophet's birthday.

Rizieq appears to be wearing a face shield and mask at this event. Although at first he used the mask correctly, later on, Rizieq lowered the mask to his chin.

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