JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has arrested three suspects in connection with the alleged bribery of paying tax refunds for the Solo-Kertosono Toll Road construction project.

One of those appointed and detained by the KPK is the Supervisor of the Tax Examination Team at the Pare Tax Office (KPP) in East Java, named Abdul Rachman. He is a suspected bribe recipient with a private company named Suheri.

"The KPK has upgraded the status of this case to the investigation stage by announcing the suspect," said KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, August 5.

Meanwhile, as the suspect for giving, the KPK has appointed Tri Atmoko as the attorney for the Joint Operation (CRBC) of China Road and Bridge Corporation; PT Wijaya Karya; and PT Pembangunan Perumahan were also named as suspects.

After becoming suspects, the three were detained in three different detention houses. Tri was detained at the KPK Detention Center at Pomdam Jaya Guntur; Abdul is detained at the KPK Rutan in Lot C1; and Suheri were detained at the KPK Rutan in the Red and White Building.

"The investigation team made efforts to forcefully detain the suspects for the first 20 days, starting from August 5, 2022 to August 24, 2022," said Asep.

In this case, Asep said, Abdul Rachman agreed to a fee of 10 percent or at least Rp1 billion to CRBC; PT Wijaya Karya; and PT PP which joined the joint operation as the executor of the construction of the Solo-Kertosono Toll Road.

This request is made when the joint operation registered as one of the taxpayers at KPP Pare submits a restitution or refund for the tax overpayment.

The tax refunds submitted in 2017 for 2016 reached Rp. 13.2 billion. "It is suspected that there was an initiative by TA to give some money to AR and the team so that the restitution application could be approved," explained Asep.

Furthermore, in giving the money, Abdul Rachman came to know Suheri as his confidant in Tri. "And asked TA so that later the money will be delivered through an SHR intermediary and the place of delivery is in Jakarta," said Asep.

Then, in May 2018, Tri contacted Abdul again and talked about handing over the money. In the process, this gift is termed "apple kroak".

Asep said the total amount of money that was agreed by Tri only reached Rp. 895 million. Furthermore, the handover was carried out through Suheri on the side of the road close to law enforcement officers in the Blok M area, South Jakarta.

For his actions, Tri as the giver is suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, as the givers, Abdul and Suheri were suspected of violating Article 12 letter a or letter b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Crimes. Corruption Crime.

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