JAKARTA - Political observer, Adi Prayitno, assesses that the KPK needs to be aware of reports of alleged political corruption at the 2020 regional elections.

Prayitno said in Jakarta, Saturday, that reports of alleged corruption by several parties to the KPK must be treated with caution and caution because corruption reports often become a political tool so that the names reported are tainted.

"Moreover, a local election will be held soon, so usually the reports to the KPK will increase, just to get news from the media," said Prayitno.

He suggested that the KPK be vigilant and careful with any reports that come in ahead of the upcoming simultaneous regional elections on 9 December 2020. "So we have to be careful and be aware of the element of political interest in the reports to the KPK," he said.

Usually, he said, the reporter did not care about the evidence that was brought or whether the report was continued or not. "Because many people take advantage of the aspect of public opinion only for momentary political interests such as regional elections," he said.

Even so, the KPK cannot close its eyes and ignore public reports, especially if the report is accompanied by strong and based evidence, the KPK must continue if the report is serious and strong.

He said this cautious attitude was related to a report from a person claiming to be a cadre of the NasDem Party, Kisman Latumakulita, who reported two NasDem Party politicians on suspicion of corruption cases in importing horticultural products to the KPK recently.

According to him, specifically related to reports from people claiming to be NasDem cadres who reported NasDem Party officials to the KPK, there is a possibility that this is the effect of the ongoing regional elections in Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi or the aftermath of previous disappointments.

In the past, Lakumakulita challenged the legality of Surya Paloh as the general chairman of the NasDem Party DPP. In that political party, Paloh was also one of the founders.

"Many people know that the two top officials who were reported are important actors in the regional elections in the two provinces. Many of the NasDem party cadres are currently advancing in the two provinces," he said.

As previously reported, Latukumalita, who claims to be a cadre of the NasDem Party, reported the deputy chairman and chairman of the DPP NasDem Party, Ahmad Ali and Rusdi Masse, to the KPK regarding the arrangement of fruit import quotas. Latumakulita brought evidence from TEMPO magazine as preliminary evidence to the KPK.

Separately, the Deputy Chairperson of the NasDem Party DPP, Ahmad Ali, responded to Lakumakulita's report. He denied arranging permits and quotas for fruit imports through the issuance of import recommendations for horticultural products from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ali said he did not know anything and had never dealt with fruit import quotas as reported. Ali has explained and straightened the news that was considered baseless to the media reporting it.

"I have never met a single fruit, garlic businessman, let alone say that they regulate quotas," he said.

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