BADUNG - Joint officers conducted an inspection of illegal or fraudulent money changers in the Kuta area, Badung Regency, Bali. As a result, there were 11 unlicensed money changers.

The joint officers consisted of the Kuta Customary Village Pecalang, the Badung Regency Satpol PP, the United Kuta Bersatu Legal Aid Forum (LBH), and from Bank Indonesia (BI) officers from the Bali Representative, as well as the Badung District Attorney (Kejari). This inspection is the aftermath of Australian tourists being deceived when exchanging money some time ago.

The dozens of officers targeted three locations on Jalan Dewi Sartika, Jalan Wana Segara, and Jalan Kartika Plaza. From the inspection, it was found that 11 money changers were not licensed and did not extend their licenses either.

The officers carried the money changer price board because it was known that it was still operating even though it had been sealed and had been reprimanded.

The Manager of the Payment System Supervision Function of Bank Indonesia (BI) Bali Representative, Ni Putu Sulastri, said that of the 11 unlicensed money changers, one money changer had its license revoked for being stubborn and had been reprimanded three times but was still operating.

"There are 11 who are not licensed. Maybe later there will be one permit that we will revoke, because we deny and carry out operational activities and there is a follow-up. There will be a process later from the relevant agency. We have revoked the permit, he wants to continue operating without a permit," he said. , on the sidelines of an inspection, Thursday, August 4th.

From these inspection activities, unlicensed money changers were given a red sticker seal with the BI and Polri logos, which indicated they could not operate because they did not have a permit. However, it was also found that some of the seals were removed by the stubborn money changer owner because this inspection had previously been carried out twice.

According to Sulastri, managing a money changer permit or extending it is not difficult and is free at BI. However, the conditions must be in the form of a Limited Liability Company (PT) and have an authorized capital of IDR 250 million.

"There is no payment and everything is free. The process is easy, only that he has to be a PT and the paid-up capital is IDR 250 million for Badung and Denpasar Regencies. The capital is not paid to BI but is paid to his company for operations. And at BI there are no fees. ," he said.

Check out fake money changers in Kuta, Badung, Bali/PHOTO: Dafi-VOI

In addition to these requirements, for Human Resources (HR) in the establishment of a money changer, there must also be directors and a minimum of D3.

"There are conditions, at least directors in terms of directors and commissioners at least D3," he said.

Sulastri said that regarding the owner of the money changer who was desperate to remove the seal, there would be follow-up actions. Because before the seal sticker was installed, the owner had signed the minutes.

"There is a signature of the minutes that was signed. If they continue to do that, there are further steps, yes to the realm of law," he said.

Secretary of the LBH Kuta Bersatu Forum, from the Kuta Traditional Village legal institution, Benidiktus Michael Sebastianus Berahi, said that the problem of money changers who stubbornly operated even though they were not licensed would be legally processed.

"Later, we will try to process the report with Article 232 of the Criminal Code regarding the release of the seal that was officially installed with officials. And we have coordinated with the Prosecutor's Office," he said.

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