JAKARTA - A motorcyclist with the initials SA died after being hit by a trailer truck on Jalan Access Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta. North Jakarta Traffic Head Office, AKP Edy Wibowo confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Wednesday, August 3, at 12.30 WIB.

The incident began when a motorcycle with license plate number B-6072-UXX driven by SA came from east to west. Arriving at the crime scene (TKP), the driver slipped and fell to the right.

"On arrival at the Cilincing Flats Bridge, it slipped on the sidewalk and then fell to the right and was hit by a trailer vehicle. It is not known who was driving in the same direction on the right. The result of the accident," said Edy when confirmed, Wednesday, August 3.

As a result of the incident, the victim died on the spot. Meanwhile, the truck driver fled the scene.

"The driver was seriously injured, died at the scene and the vehicle was damaged. After the incident the trailer vehicle left the scene or fled," he concluded.

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