JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named the Deputy Chairman of the Tulungagung Regency DPRD, Adib Makarim, as a suspect in the alleged bribery of discussing, ratifying, and implementing the APBD and APBDP. He was immediately detained at the KPK detention center in the Merah Putih building.

"Sufficient preliminary evidence was found so that the KPK raised the status of this case to the investigation stage by announcing the following suspects AM (Adib Makarim) Deputy Chairman of the Tulungagung Regency DPR," said KPK Deputy for Enforcement and Execution Karyoto to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, August 3.

Apart from Adib, there are two other people who have been named as suspects. They are Agus Budiarto and Imam Kambali who are former Deputy Chairpersons of the Tulungagung Regency DPRD.

However, currently only Adib is being detained by the KPK. "The investigative team attempted to forcefully detain the suspect AM for the first 20 days," said Karyoto.

Karyoto said Adib would be detained until August 22. Meanwhile, the other two suspects, Agus and Imam, were asked to cooperate.

"KPK calls on the other two suspects, namely AG and IK, to be cooperative in attending the next scheduled summons by the investigation team," he said.

In this case, Karyoto said Adib, Agus, and Imam are the Deputy Chairpersons of the Tulungagung Regency DPRD who are also Deputy Heads of the 2014-2019 Budget. Furthermore, they together with the Chairman of the DPRD Tulungagung Supriyono in September 2014 held a meeting to discuss the budget.

"The discussion has a deadlock with the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) of the Tulungagung Regency Government," he said.

Next, Supriyono together with Adib, Agus, and Imam met the team representatives. They also asked for money so that the discussion of the 2014 budget draft can be ratified by the term "money knock hammer".

"There is also the nominal request for hammer-knock money requested by Supriyono, AM, AG, and IK, allegedly worth Rp. 1 billion, which was later submitted to Syahri Mulyo as the Regent of Tulungagung Regency and approved," he said.

In addition, there is an additional request as a share of the PBBr whose nominal value is adjusted to the positions of the members of the Tulungagung DPRD. The money was handed over in cash at the DPRD office.

"It is suspected that there were several activities requested by IK as a representative of Supriyono, AM and AG to provide money from Syahri Mulyo, including at the time of ratification of the preparation of the pure APBD and the preparation of APBD amendments," said Karyoto.

Furthermore, the KPK suspects that each of the suspects received Rp230 million in cash.

As a result of their actions, these three suspects were determined to have violated Article 12 letter a or letter b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Crimes. Corruption Jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

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