SURABAYA - The challenge of Marcel Radhival or known as the Red Magician against the owner of the Nur Dzat Sejati Padepokan, Gus Samsudin, failed after being prevented from entering the hermitage. Marcel's arrival at that time wanted to prove Gus Samsudin's fraud through supernatural treatment under the guise of religion.

"I am now responding, if I commit fraud, you (Marcel) accuse you, you must be able to prove it," said Gus Samsudin at the East Java Regional Police SPKT, Wednesday, August 3.

Marcel previously visited Gus Samsudin's hermitage in Blitar. He came to prove that Gus Samsudin's treatment was just a trick with tricks commonly used by shamans. But it failed, because Marcel was blocked by Gus Samsudin's followers.

Now, Gus Samsudin is challenging Marcel and is ready to prove his treatment is not a scam. He is adamant that he has never cheated in his practice of alternative medicine.

So far, he said, Marcel could not prove his statement on social media, YouTube. "From there, there was a conflict and he couldn't prove what he was accusing him of. In the end there was an extraordinary opinion like this that I committed fraud," he said.

In fact, he said, no one felt cheated or harmed by Samsudin's alternative medicine.

"Even I can present the person in the video taken by Marcel," he said.

Samsudin claimed that the person he was treating was cured. Marcel's statement was considered a baseless accusation.

"Alhamdulillah, the person is cured. It is the person himself that (feels) he has not been cheated. How does the person concerned in that place not feel cheated, then other people talk with his own assumption of committing fraud," he said.

Not only Marcel, Samsudin did not hesitate to report others who accused him of being a fraud. He reminded the public that when speaking, it must be based on the facts. "So for anyone on social media who says I committed fraud, then I will report it later. Because this country is a country of law. Talking can't only be an opinion," he said.

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