TANGERANG - Members of the Tangerang Police Kresek Polresta Banten Police arrested a man with the initials IF alias JJ (28), a resident of Renged Village, Kresek District, Tangerang Regency. The casual daily worker was arrested for stealing a cell phone belonging to his neighbour, NQ (26).

Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Pol Raden Romdhon Natakusuma said the criminal incident occurred on Sunday, July 31, at around 04.00 WIB, at the victim's house in Renged Village, Renged Village, Kresek District, Tangerang Regency.

"The suspect stole the cellphone by entering the victim's house through the bedroom window and taking the victim's belongings which was currently being charged. And without the suspect realizing it, his action was caught on CCTV belonging to the victim's neighbor." Romdhon explained.

Armed with CCTV footage, members of the Kresek Police, led directly by the Kresek Police Chief, AKP Osman Sigalingging and the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Ipda Mohamad Risdianto, managed to arrest the suspect JJ at his home. Officers confiscated evidence in the form of a cellphone belonging to the victim.

"To the officers, the suspect IF alias JJ admitted that he had committed the act of stealing cellphones," said Romdhon.

The suspect was taken to the Kresek Police for further investigation. For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 7 years in prison," concluded Romdhon.

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