JAKARTA - This man threatened to post an intimate video with his girlfriend on Instagram. He even threatened to use a knife on his girlfriend to have sex again.

The identity of the 23-year-old victim was protected by a gag order, and the perpetrator's name was edited out of court documents.

The story all begins in May 2018. The man and woman -- their identities are hidden by a Singapore court -- met on a dating app.

After being in a relationship, on several occasions that year, this man took five videos and one photo of them having sex.

Quoted from Channel News Asia, Tuesday, August 2, their relationship began to be troubled since August 2018. At the end of 2018, the victim told her boyfriend to delete their intimate videos and photos.

The victim went to her boyfriend's house and deleted files from his computer and cellphone. But apparently, his boyfriend had already saved a copy on another device.

A few months later on March 25, 2019, the couple had a big fight. The perpetrator was angry because the victim did not return his affection and wanted to break up with him.

Through text messages, the man threatened to hack the woman's Instagram account and post intimate videos and photos of them on her feed.

Things changed again on the evening of April 7, 2019. They briefly discussed the state of their relationship.

Sometime after midnight, the man asked the woman to have sex with him. He was upset that they had not had sex in a long time, since their relationship began to deteriorate, said Deputy Public Prosecutor Chong Ee Hsiun.

The victim refused and the man became angry. He took out a penknife from his pocket and held it by his side with the blade still folded, saying: "really can't?"

When the victim continued to say no, he pulled out the blade of a knife, stabbed the tip into his girlfriend's thigh, and asked if it hurt.

According to the suspect, he was carrying a penknife when he felt the urge to self-harm. He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, mixed anxiety, depressive disorder, and alcohol abuse disorder, Chong said.

Prosecutors demanded five to eight months in prison for the man. The perpetrator, represented by Mr Chua Hock Lu, will return to serve his sentence in September.

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