JAKARTA - From the results of urine tests on four suspected robbers who were arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Sector Police, two of them tested positive for drugs.

"Two suspects with the initials DA and TF, residents of Cakung, East Jakarta, tested positive for methamphetamine from a urine test," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police, Iptu Wildan Al Kautsar to VOI, Tuesday, August 2.

The perpetrators were arrested after carrying out a motorcycle robbery on Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta.

"Two other suspects with the initials MFF (20) and NU (20) residents of Cilincing, North Jakarta have negative urine," he added.

After examining the four suspects, they admitted that the money from each crime was used to buy methamphetamine.

"The proceeds are to buy drugs," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police arrested four robbers in the Kartini area, Sawah Besar.

The perpetrators were arrested after carrying out a motorcycle robbery on Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta.

"The four robbers have the initials DA (20), MFF (20), TF (20) and NU (20). DA and TF are residents of Cakung, East Jakarta. Meanwhile, MFF and NU are residents of Cilincing, North Jakarta," said Kapolsek Sawah Besar. AKP Patar Mula Bona told VOI, Tuesday, August 2.

From the suspect's hands, confiscated a sharp weapon of the type celurit, 2 motorbikes belonging to the suspect and a cellphone.

"The robbery crime mode carried out by the suspects grabbed the victim using a motorbike and threatened to use a sharp weapon of the type of sickle. Then the perpetrators took the victim's belongings," he said.

Currently, the suspects are still undergoing examination at the Sawah Besar Police Station. The police are also still investigating whether they were involved in a similar robbery in the Kemayoran area or not.

"It is still being investigated, being investigated. The Kemayoran Police and the Central Jakarta Metro Police Resmob have gone to the Sawah Besar Police. It is suspected that the perpetrators are the same," he said.

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