SUMBAR - An estuarine crocodile caused a stir after entering a shrimp farm in Pasia Paneh, Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

An anxious resident caught him along with pond workers who were about to harvest on Tuesday, at around 14.30 WIT Rika Rahim, manager of a shrimp pond in Nagari Tiku Selatan, Tanjungmutiara District, said the crocodile with a length of about 1.5 meters was caught by workers. We have secured it and we have reported it to the West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA)," he said in Lubukbasung, West Sumatra, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 2.

The crocodile was caught when workers were about to harvest shrimp. At that time, the workers drained the water in the pond.

When the water started to dry, workers saw a crocodile in the pond and immediately caught it. "The crocodile tried to fight back, but was immediately tied up," he said.

Previously, the estuarine crocodile roamed the ponds of the Agam area. The crocodile, Crododylus porosus, entered the pond about three weeks ago, but was spotted or spotted on Monday, July 4.

The presence of the crocodile was immediately reported to the West Sumatra BKSDA for further handling, because the crocodile is a protected animal under Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and its Ecosystem. "The crocodile was in one of the eight shrimp ponds," he concluded.

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